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College students raise funds for security guard to visit his family in Nigeria

Students at Providence College in Rhode Island, USA, surprised their security guard, James, with a wholesome gift. They raised funds to help James reunite with his family in Nigeria after 11 years. Not only that, but the students also booked flight tickets for him.
“Students surprised security guard James on Wednesday night with the funds to travel home to see his family all the way in Nigeria for the first time in 11 years,” wrote the Instagram page Good News Movement in the caption of the post. (Also Read: Woman’s wholesome conversation with grandpa about her dog is a must-read)
In the video, a student can be seen expressing his heartfelt gratitude to James for his work. As the clip progresses, he reveals that the students have come together and raised funds so James can finally go to Nigeria. When he realises what the students have done for him, he has an emotional response and is visibly moved to tears.

A post shared by Good News Movement (@goodnews_movement)
This video was shared on March 11. Since being posted, it has garnered more than 1.3 million views. The share has also received numerous likes and comments. Many people loved the video and expressed their reactions in the comments section of the post. (Also Read: Three wholesome viral stories that are all about happy vibes)
An individual wrote, “What a wonderful thing to do- I wish him a wonderful trip and may your kindness and grace be returned to you in your lifetime.”
A second said, “I adore this. They felt his love and returned it with gratitude.”
“So sweet. It’s beautiful to see people doing kind things in this world anymore. You could tell James appreciated it more than those kids will ever know,” posted a third.
A fourth added, “I often think of those who come to the US for better opportunity and everything they sacrifice and everyone they leave behind in the process. I can only imagine those tickets were answered prayer for him, especially as he immediately fell to his knees. Unexpected blessing.”
